Disney+ ilmoitti, että brittiläinen Original-sarja Save Our Squad with David Beckham saa ensi-iltansa yksinoikeudella Disney+ -palvelussa keskiviikkona 9. marraskuuta. Samalla julkaistiin ensivilkaisun sarjaan tarjoava teaser-traileri. Alkuperäinen tiedote joka on englanniksi löytyy trailerin alapuolelta.
Co-produced by BAFTA and RTS Award-winning production company Twenty Twenty, and Studio 99, the global content and production studio co-founded by Beckham, “Save Our Squad with David Beckham” is a heart-warming series that sees David Beckham return to his East London roots to mentor Westward Boys, a young, grassroots team who are at the bottom of their league, facing relegation. However, this isn’t just any league… this is the same league that David played in as a young boy. Working with the head coaches, he’ll try to turn the team’s fortunes around.
In the exclusive teaser trailer, David Beckham goes back to his roots in East London with an ambition to help Westward win. The sneak peek shows him mentoring the young squad and giving advice and encouragement on the perfect free kick, so the team themselves can ‘bend it like Beckham’.
“Save Our Squad with David Beckham” builds on the company’s commitment to source, develop and produce original productions. Across EMEA alone, Disney’s International Content and Operations team plan to create 60 local productions by 2024 as it continues to work with outstanding creators and premium producers.
Lähde: Disney+
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